
【AKI】To predict onset of CIN AKI

The change in L-FABP level of the cases with contrast medium-induced nephropathy

Time after administration
Table 2 partially modified from Nakamura, T. et al., Am J Kidney Dis. 47(3), 2006. [1]


Comparison in change of L-FABP level before and after administration of contrast agents between CN and non CN groups constituted by 66 patients in total who underwent nonemergency coronary angiography or intervention.
*AKI patients, end-stage renal failure etc. are excluded


The patients who had high L-FABP level before angiography had high risk of developing contrast medium-induced nephropathy and its level increased significantly in patients who developed contrast medium-induced nephropathy 24 hours after administration. From this result, the fact to measure L-FABP level in urine before angiography can serve clinically as the prediction of contrast medium-induced nephropathy.

Semi Quantitative scores reflect accurately quantitative ELISA results

Score concordance rate ≧90%

(CMIC HOLDINGS Co., Ltd. internal data)

As the rapid measurement is possible, the disease aggravation risk could be determined in sepsis or multi organ failure patients who are not developed AKI and the preventive treatment could be practicable.


160 cases of CKD outpatients, 29 cases of ICU administrated patients
Urinary L-FABP level of above patients was measured with both semi-quantitative and quantitative methods. The results show that urinary L-FABP level increase significantly according to score.


[1] Nakamura, T. et al., Urinary excretion of liver-type fatty acid-binding protein in contrast medium-induced nephropathy. Am J Kidney Dis. 47(3), 2006. PubMed


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